Explanation of self and mutual induced EMF produced in a long solenoid using the Poynting vector 用坡印亭矢量解释长直螺线管自感与互感电动势的产生
Polarization, Poynting Vector: Energy, Power and Momentum of Radiation ( PDF) 极化,坡印廷矢量;辐射的能量,功率和动量。
In this paper, self and mutual induced emf are derived by means of the Poynting Vector, and the energy stored in Self and Mutual induced process is discussed. 本文用功能关系和坡印亭矢量分析和讨论了电容器并联过程中能量的变化原因。
The Poynting vector that represent the flow of electromagnetic power density on a sphere from a linear dipole antenna is approximated by the summation of the field of segmented line current as Hertz dipoles. 以赫芝偶极之电磁场合成任意长度偶极天线在球面上电磁功率密度流之时变玻因亭向量。
The Direction of the Vector in the Medium POYNTING矢量在媒质中的方向
A Study of the Relation of Average Poynting Vector of Electromagnetic Wave 电磁波平均能流密度关系的推导
The radiation efficiency of classical dipole antenna in near area, together with the synthesize of Poynting vector and the defects in the present Crossed-field theory are analyzed. 分析了传统的振子型天线近区的辐射效率,坡印廷矢量的合成及交叉场理论存在的问题。
In the field of static and steady state, energy propagation is decided with Poynting vector. 在静场和恒定场中,能量的传输是由坡印廷矢量决定的。
Poynting Vector Analysis of Energy Flow in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine 永磁同步电机能量流传的坡印亭矢量分析
Analysis and calculation of the electromagnetic energy transmission in A. C. components ( capacitor, self-induction, mutual induction) are made in this paper to illustrate the nature of the Poynting vector. 本文对电容、自感、互感等交流元件在暂态过程和交流线路中电磁能量的传输过程进行定量的分析和计算,以验证能流密度矢量所揭示的电磁能量在场中传输的本质。
The energy flow in the cross-section and cylindrical surface of the air gap is discussed, the field line of Poynting vector is mapped under different loads using these formula. 讨论了气隙横截面和圆柱面上的能流,得到了不同负载下坡印亭矢量场的场线;
This article begins from with Maxwell equation and discusses poynting vector and wave vector caused by electromagnetic wave. and so on. 从Maxwell方程入手,讨论电磁波传播时的Poynting矢量及波矢量等。
Application of Differential Form and Complex Formulation for Poynting Vector 能流密度的微分矢量式及其应用
The Application of Poynting Vector in Calculating Electromagnetic Torque for Electric Machine 坡印亭矢量在电机电磁转矩计算中的应用
The Analysis of the Divergence of Poynting Vector in the Induction Machine 异步电机中坡印亭矢量散度的分析
A Formula of Electromagnetic Moment of AC and DC Electrical Machinery Derived from Poynting Vector 用坡印亭矢量统一推导交流和直流电机的电磁转矩公式
Poynting vector based transducer to measure high voltage and current in power transmission 高压大电流坡印亭矢量原理功率变送器
In addition, Poynting vector in photonic crystals waveguide is gained. 另外,还给出了光子晶体波导中的能流密度矢量图。
The formulas for the target RCS and glint linear deviation are developed by using Poynting vector concept. 利用矢量相干求和及坡印亭矢量概念,导出了目标RCS和角闪烁线偏差公式,并得出了几条特定轨迹上导引头跟踪目标的模拟结果。
The variation and transmit of the radial and tangential energy flow in the air gap of electrical machines are illustrated by analyzing the divergence of Poynting vector. 通过对坡印亭矢量的散度的分析,阐明了电机气隙中径向能流和切向能流的变化和传递。
Depending on the system parameters, either TE or TM surface modes have the time averaged Poynting vector directed opposite or same to the mode phase velocity. TE表面模式或TM表面模式的时间平均坡印亭矢量与模式相速度的方向依赖于系统参数,或是相反或是相同。
Reflective spectra as well as Poynting vector distribution map has been got through simulations base on 3D finite differential time domain ( FDTD) algorithm, which shows that the scattering effect of the nano array and the interference of scattered light contributed to the enhancement of antireflection. 使用3维时域有限差分算法模拟得到了纳米点阵非晶碳的反射光谱和波印廷矢量分布图,结果表明点阵的散射作用及散射光之间的相消干涉共同作用起到了增强减反的效果。